School News

Cooke School is sad to report of death Dallie Moriarty

- Jul 17, 2016      Archive

All of Cooke Real Estate School is mourning the loss yesterday (July 16, 2016) of one of the most knowledgeable real estate instructors in Florida. Dallie Moriarty had been with company for over 30 years.

Dallie started her career in real estate as most all do entering the real estate profession. As a real estate agent but she found an interest in the real estate education aspect of the profession. Without a doubt, Dallie was the first instructor in Florida and maybe in the nation that taught hundreds of students by live video conferring. Since no real estate school had done this before, Dallie took the challenge on with excitement and professionalism. The results were amazing all because of Dallie's talent to teach and to explain the content of the course.

Dallie's instructor abilities were amazing for students found real success in her classes as she had the ability to explain the subject matter and make it enjoyable, understandable and presented in way to make it memorable to help students find success on the state exam.

In January 2005, Dallie was instrumental in the school's pre-license course development, making Cooke Real Estate School a national provider of pre-license courses. Dallie worked through the license laws of the different regulatory agencies across the country. Because of her intelligence, drive and interest in providing the best in real estate education, Cooke School today is licensed and providing pre-license education in Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Wisconsin, Vermont and Florida.

As the owner of Cooke Real Estate School, I have been so lucky to have Dallie Moriarty at my side over the last 30 years for I told her she many times, "Dallie you are my blanket" as we continue to expand into different states.

Frank L. Cooke, Jr